Deploy on Azure with Bicep

Deploy on Azure with Bicep

Bicep is a deployment language for Azure, allowing to easily deploy resources on the cloud.

Bicep parameters

autoscalingMaxReplicasMaximum number of simultaneous jobs the agent can run100
autoscalingMinReplicasMinimum number of replicas the agent should have0
autoscalingPollingIntervalMinimum number of replicas the agent should have; Warning, a low value will cause rate limiting or throttling, and can cause high load on the Azure DevOps API10
extraEnvExtra environment variables to pass to the agent[]
imageFlavorFlavor of the container image, represents the Linux distribution. Allowed values: azurelinux3, bookworm, jammy, noble, ubi8, ubi9bookworm
imageNameName of the container imageclemlesne/blue-agent
imageRegistryRegistry of the container image. Allowed values:,
imageVersionVersion of the container image, it is recommended to use a specific version like “1.0.0” instead of “latest”main
instanceName of the instance, will be used to build the name of the resourcesValue from deployment().name
locationLocation of resourceswesteurope
pipelinesCapabilitiesCapabilities of the agent['arch_x64']
pipelinesOrganizationURLURL of the Azure DevOps organizationNone
pipelinesPersonalAccessTokenPersonal access token allowing the agent to connect to the Azure DevOps organization. This parameter is secure.None
pipelinesPoolNameName of the Azure Pipelines self-hosted pool the agent should be added toNone
pipelinesTimeoutTimeout in seconds for the agent to run a job before it is automatically terminated3600
resourcesCpuNumber of CPU cores allocated to the agent2
resourcesMemoryAmount of memory allocated to the agent4Gi
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