Build Java applications

Build Java applications

Java (JDK and JVM) is not pre-installed into the agents. Specify the specific version you requires for your build. Install the framework with JavaToolInstaller@0, it configures both PATH and JAVA_HOME environements variables. The JDK file requires to be placed either in Azure Storage or in a local directory:

  • Azure Storage (recommended for its audit, replication, and management by API capabilities), downlaod the binary from a central Azure Storage
  • Local directory, in the context of a Kubernetes Pod, this directory could be a read-only shared volume mounted in the Pod

First, create an Azure Storage account and a container named java-temurin. Then, upload the JDK file to the container. JDK can be downloaded, as example:

Example of an example Azure Storage account named azure-pipelines-bins and a container java-temurin, with Eclipse Temurin JDK 17 and 21:

# Azure Storage
/java-temurin (container)

Example of the Azure Pipelines YAML file:

# azure-pipelines.yaml
  - task: JavaToolInstaller@0
      azureCommonVirtualFile: jdk/21/OpenJDK21U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_21.0.1_12.tar
      azureContainerName: java-temurin
      azureResourceGroupName: AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
      azureStorageAccountName: azure-pipelines-bins
      jdkArchitectureOption: x64
      jdkDestinationDirectory: $(agent.toolsDirectory)/jdk/21
      jdkSourceOption: AzureStorage
      versionSpec: 21
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