Deploy on Kubernetes with Helm
Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, allowing to easily deploy applications on a cluster.
Helm values
Parameter | Description | Default |
affinity | Node affinity for pod assignment | {} |
annotations | Add custom annotations to the Pod | {} |
autoscaling.cooldown | Time in seconds the automation will wait until there is no more pipeline asking for an agent; same delay is then applied for system termination | 60 |
autoscaling.enabled | Enable the auto-scaling; requires KEDA, but can be started without; Be warning, disabling auto-scaling implies a shutdown of the existing agents during a Helm instance upgrade, according to pipelines.timeout | true |
autoscaling.minReplicas | Minimum number of replicas | 0 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas | Maximum number of pods, remaining jobs will be kept in queue; the default value is arbitrary, to avoid misconfiguration | 100 |
autoscaling.pollingInterval | Interval in seconds to poll for new jobs; Warning, a low value will cause rate limiting or throttling, and can cause high load on the Azure DevOps API | 10 |
extraEnv | Additional environment variables for the agent container | [] |
extraManifests | Extra manifests to deploy as an array | [] |
extraNodeSelectors | Additional node labels for pod assignment | {} |
extraVolumeMounts | Additional volume mounts for the agent container | [] |
extraVolumes | Additional volumes for the agent pod | [] |
fullnameOverride | Overrides release fullname | "" |
image.flavor | Container image tag, can be bookworm , jammy , noble , ubi8 , ubi9 , win-ltsc2019 , or win-ltsc2022 | bookworm |
image.isWindows | Turn on is the agent is a Windows-based system | false |
image.pullPolicy | Container image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
image.repository | Container image repository | |
image.version | Container image tag | Version |
imagePullSecrets | Use secrets to pull the container image | [] |
initContainers | Init containers for the agent pod | [] |
nameOverride | Overrides release name | "" |
pipelines.cache.size | Total cache to attach to the Azure Pipelines standard directory; by default, same amount as the Microsoft Hosted agents | 10Gi |
pipelines.cache.type | Disk type to attach to the Azure Pipelines standard directory; see your cloud provider for types (Azure, AWS) | managed-csi (Azure compatible) |
pipelines.cache.volumeEnabled | Enabled by default, can be disabled if your CSI driver doesn’t support ephemeral storage (exhaustive list); if disabled, it is advised to allow >= 10Gi of ephemeral storage usage (see resources ) | true |
pipelines.capabilities | Add demands/capabilities to the agent | [] |
pipelines.cleanup.failed | Maximum of failed Jobs to keep from Kubernetes API server (see doc); only applied to autoscaled deployments (see autoscaling.enabled ) | 100 |
pipelines.cleanup.successful | Maximum of successful Jobs to keep from Kubernetes API server (see doc); only applied to autoscaled deployments (see autoscaling.enabled ) | 100 |
pipelines.cleanup.ttl | Delay until Job history will be cleaned from Kubernetes API server (see doc); only applied to autoscaled deployments (see autoscaling.enabled ) | 3600 (1 hour) |
pipelines.organizationURL | The Azure base URL for your organization | None |
pipelines.personalAccessToken | Personal Access Token (PAT) used by the agent to connect to the Azure DevOps server (both SaaS and self-hosted) | None |
pipelines.poolName | Agent pool name to which the agent should register | None |
pipelines.timeout | Time in seconds after a agent will be stopped, the same amount of time is applied as a timeout for the system to shut down | 3600 (1 hour) |
pipelines.tmpdir.size | Total size of the standard TMPDIR directory | 1Gi |
pipelines.tmpdir.type | Disk type to attach to the standard TMPDIR directory; see your cloud provider for types (Azure, AWS) | managed-csi (Azure compatible) |
pipelines.tmpdir.volumeEnabled | Enabled by default, can be disabled if your CSI driver doesn’t support ephemeral storage (exhaustive list); if disabled, it is advised to allow >= 10Gi of ephemeral storage usage (see resources ) | true |
podSecurityContext | Security rules applied to the Pod (more details) | {} |
replicaCount | Default fixed amount of agents deployed; those are not auto-scaled | 3 |
resources | Resource limits | { "resources": { "limits": { "cpu": 2, "memory": "4Gi", "ephemeral-storage": "8Gi" }, "requests": { "cpu": 1, "memory": "2Gi", "ephemeral-storage": "2Gi" }}} |
revisionHistoryLimit | Number of revisions to keep in the history of the Deployment; Warning, setting this to 0 will disable the Deployment history and cause inability to rollback | 10 |
secret.create | Create Secret, must contains personalAccessToken and organizationURL variables | true | | Secret name | Release name |
securityContext | Security rules applied to the container (more details) | {} |
serviceAccount.annotations | Custom annotations to give to the ServiceAccount | {} |
serviceAccount.create | Create ServiceAccount | true | | ServiceAccount name | Release name |
sidecarContainers | Containers to run alongside the agent container | [] |
tolerations | Toleration labels for pod assignment | [] |
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